Saturday, February 8, 2020


1 - No god is perfect for human eyes. 

2 - No title dignifies something or someone as perfect.

3 - No moment is truly perfect.

4 - No parents are perfect, neither yours nor anyone else's, nor do they make their children perfect beings.

5 - No life or death is perfect.

6 - No habit is or will make you perfect.

7 - Having more of something others have little, or having little of something others have too much, none of them will make you perfect.

8 - No truth is perfect, just as no lie either is.

9 - No relationship, no matter how intimate it may be, is or will make any involved person perfect.

10 - No possession is or will make you perfect.

Perfection, for its incapacity of truly existing, shouldn't be the basis of life. Life requires balance between what you want and what you can have, and wisdom to distinguish one from the other, like the capacity of seeking perfection, keeping it while it's beneficial to you and others, and letting it go when it's not perfect anymore.

Signed by the first Emperor King,
engraved on the obelisk of the great castle of Victory.
Lightland city-state, Huminun Collis,
in the 4th century of the reign, calendar of the Lord of Victory.